What does "Latin America" mean?

This term has a long history and etymology, but to explain shortly and understandably, it refers to a region in the American continent in which romance languages are spoken as main/official languages.
Examples of romance languages spoken in Latin America include Spanish, Portuguese, Creole (from Haiti, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, etc.) and French.
All of these territories share a culture that has grown from imperialism and old traditions/societies, which shaped their current society, economy, politics, etc.

"Latin America", to pop culture, has become a synonim of "Ibero-America" (a region in America in which Spanish and/or Brazilian Portuguese is spoken), but this webring supports the etymologic meaning explained above as It advocates for culture diversity. Because of that, we accept people from every territory as long as they share a connection with the "latinoamerican" culture/their own country origin culture

"The latino webring????"

It's a webring that aims to gather all the latinos (latinoamericans) around the web!
This webring appreciates our different cultures in a beautiful and unique way and wishes to give us a platform for connecting, getting to know about each other and sharing our individual charms to the world.
Interested in joining in? Well, read all the information first!